I'm not a reviewer: I read for pleasure, and then usually think upon what I read some, to figure out what I love, what I hate, why I am smitten or disappointed in a novel because as an unpublished writer that's what my brain does. I have no control over my brain. I'm a woman. Worse, I'm blonde. Nuff said?
Hence these are not reviews, merely my opinion in shorthand (take it as you will: with or without salt, water, sugar, milk... or not). If you seek recaps on stories, go elsewhere.

maandag 6 september 2010

China Miéville: The City & The City

Stuck on page 20. Addiction levels 0. Sputtering start-off, and I've got a thing against feeling that I'm struggling through a book. It's not difficult or complex so far, but very very putdownable. I'm sorta waiting to see if Dalziel might show up to shake things up.

Maybe it's the hype. See, I haven't read any Miéville before. Maybe he's some sort of acquired taste. Maybe I need to read his other books to get into this one, like being initiated into a cult. Anyways, decided to read other books and figure somewhere along the line I'll give C&C a second chance.

N.B. even if on that second chance the book remains a dud to me, I should add it will be in illustrious company, together with The Hobbit, and New Grubstreet (required reading for English Lit at university. The struggle left me traumatised.)

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